I read that it was your email account- that was clear in your original post. People need to READ more and judge less.
People have no reasonable expectation of privacy when they use YOUR email.
hey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
I read that it was your email account- that was clear in your original post. People need to READ more and judge less.
People have no reasonable expectation of privacy when they use YOUR email.
hey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
Unfortunately I think most persons in the JW religion are like the MS. They are so judgemental they can't see their own lack of love. It's sad really.
Change the password on the email. Change all the lost password questions. If it's in your name there is nothing he can do about it. Or reply to one of the emails saying that if they are going to talk about you in such a manner the least they can do is not do it on YOUR email.
abuse allegations in newfoundland casting a cloud over jehovah's witnessesallegations of abuse involving two members of the jehovah's witness religious movement in newfoundland have emerged, though details of the charges are protected by a court-ordered publication ban.
cbc news has learned that a former volunteer church elder and his son are facing charges.the former elder is charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation relating to allegations dating from 2009 to 2012 in central newfoundland.according to court documents, a second man is charged with sexual assault, with the information referencing a period between may 2011 and december 2013 in a community on the avalon peninsula.cbc news has confirmed that the pair are father and son.a sexual exploitation charge involves anyone in a position of trust or authority who commits an offence against a young person.the matter involving the older accused was called at a provincial court on wednesday.it was set over until next month, when a date is expected to be set for trial.the younger accused is scheduled to make a court appearance later this month.. read full article at link.. *note the very last sentence in the article.
I know of a "brother" In Southern Ontario Canada, who abused several young girls, even his own nieces. I knew the nieces family back then, it was so sad. The girls were emotional wrecks. 20+years ago
i think one of his victims did kill themselves. I have been waiting for that one to become public.
i never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
When you have to live in a place where non-Mormons are the minority - you have a different point of view. They try to control EVERYTHING.
They own a lot of land around the world and not just Temples or Ward/Stake houses- ranches, farms lots of money making endeavors. The church run businesses require you to be Temple worthy to work there (yes it's legal), And then there's the special underwear........
The Book of Mormon is all made up crazy talk. About the how the ten lost tribes of Israel settled in what is now the U.S. Even though there is not a shred of secular evidence to back up any of it, or evidence that the made up names for the tribes ever existed. Seriously crazy stuff. All hail Moroni and planet Kolob.
i never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
i never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
another thread got me thinking of this issue.
i don't think you'll ever come across a set of people with such a skewed and twisted outlook on life.. my memory serves me well when i recall a sort of blood lusting excitement over things like the 9/11 atrocities.
in fact i remember jw's describing the event as 'sad but exciting.
I agree with this. Everyone expects us to crash and burn when we leave. When that doesn't happen, it's hard for them to make sense of it. They are shocked by how "blessed" I have been since leaving, and how happy my husband and I are.
My parents have commented on how they like to hang out with me vs my JW siblings, since my siblings are miserable.
i have had time to think about this........... i was an attendent for many years.......... and looking up and down the rows at every family that was seating there in the khs........... no one was happy!.
i think of my mother (who brought this religion into our house)......she was one of the most unhappy and miserable people you would ever meet!
she was a spiritual orphan with few friends and no real family to speak of.. she got the "good news" back in 1950, that "the world" was a bad place and god, would soon be killing most everyone......she was thrilled!...............
thought she was gonna take a pic of me on the sneak.
im df'd...been df'd for over 19 years already.
so she probably would have gotten away with it without anyone knowing.....except that her flash was on.
so since leaving the borg i've made quite a few stupid mistakes, hurting myself a lot..but i finally feel like i've learned and i think, in time, i'll find my happiness again...even more happiness that i could've ever had being a jw.. but my question to you guys is, what was your experience like leaving the borg?
did you struggle at all?
how long have you been out?
I have been out for nearly 20 years after having been born into it.
Struggle is an understatement. It took me a few years, lots of mistakes, and some therapy to get my life back together. Untangling my head was the most difficult, realizing it was a load of crap, no Armageddon coming, no judgement took awhile. I used alcohol as a crutch and did many self destructive things.
Life now is great and I am happy. I married a wonderful and supportive "worldly" man 15 years ago. He helped me to have the courage to go to college, I got my degree and it's been all good since then. My job is fulfilling most of the time, my marriage is fantastic, and I have been truly blessed materially. It's not perfect, but I am happy. That has helped my parents to accept me, what can they say?
You are right - once you get it together, it will be better than you can imagine.